
Re: Quarantine for plants

From: Peter Konshak <pkonshak at fiat_gslis.utexas.edu>
Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 12:45:40 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Quarantine for plants

Well, not exactly.  Is there some sort of bath that I can give new plants 
before I put them in my tank, to make sure that I'm not introducing algal 
spores, nasties, etc?  Thanks,
        I used the methods suggested in the FAQ:
        - 2 minute bath in  1 part bleach in 19 parts water. Rinse it VERY
          WELL ! Then soak it overnight in water with lots of dechlorinator.

        - 2 hour bath in 10 teaspoons of Alum USP in 1 gallon of water.
	  Rinse it VERY WELL ! Then soak it overnight in water. 
        This has been working well for me. 
