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Re: Botanical english beats me

Greger asked:
"Could I have some examples of aquatic plants that is:
Monocot ?
Dicot ?
Gymnosperm ?
What does those words mean?

Greger, go read the following:

That will give you the background to understand the distinction between
monocots and dicots.

Traditional classification schemes divided the flowering plants into 2
classes - monocots and dicots. More recent works (APG, Judd) don't think its
that simple.

Some examples of aquatic plants that are monocots (considered as such in
both traditional and modern schemes) would be Acorus (Acoraceae family)
Cryptocoryne and Pistia (Araceae family), Alisma, Echinodorus, Hydrocleis,
and Sagittaria (Alismataceae family), Egeria, Elodea, Hydrilla, Hydrocharis,
Limnobium, Najas, Ottelia and Vallisneria (Hydrocharitaceae family),
Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae family), Crinum (Amaryllidaceae family),
Pontederia, Eichhornia and Pontederia (Pontederiaceae family), Sparganium
and Typha (Typhaceae family). There are others, these are only examples.

Gymnosperms are seed plants that DON'T have flowers - things like conifers,
cycads. Other than Bald Cypress, which can really only be considered a
temporary "lark" in an aquarium, they aren't aquatic.

"What does "gummy exudate" mean?
"Plant is a noncotyledonous" ?

Gummy exudate probably refers to having sticky sap like that can sometimes
be seen on evergreens (confiers). Insects sometimes get trapped inside it
and if it gets preserved correctly, it turns into amber.

Cotyledon refers to the embryonic (seed)leaves. I'm not familiar with the
term noncotyledonous, but it might refer to something which lacks seed
leaves (???).

James Purchase