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bga-what is the best way to treat

I'm responding to Roger Miller's comments re BGA.  In my view BGA is similar
to a disease.  Preventing it is different than treating it (i.e. preventing
pneumonia is different than treating it). The factors that go into it's
production and prevention are confusing (see all the recent posts on the
subject) and I'm certainly not sure what they are.  Nutrient levels, water
flow, oxygen, phosphate, "water quality", etc.don't seem to correlate with
my  or many other people's experience. To me it seems that once a tank is
"infected" with the organism, it may flourish notwithstanding any of the
above. In my case no amount of "water quality improvement" could make the
stuff go away or even slow down.

Would anyone care to tackle this issue and reconcile the many posts of
people who have experienced BGA outbreaks when all of the above parameters
seem to be fine.  What are the factors that make BGA flourish?

Prevention is fine, but does not address the issue of what to do when you
already have the problem.I think the issue is important because I believe
from my own experience that one can go on an oddest of "water quality
improvement" trying to cure this, when what is needed are drugs (erythro) or
agents (H202 or potassium permanganate) to eliminate the problem. (I was on
that oddest for quite some time because of the many statements like Roger's
implying that the system needed to be changed before BGA would disappear.)

[Again, "What is the best way to treat BGA?" Since there is no consensus yet
established I will weigh in here and say that erythro appears far more
desirable to me that the oxidants.  It is quick, effective, not harmful, and
less potentially harmful to biologic systems than the chemicals.  What Lobos
had to say about dose is interesting and may explain the rather small doses
that have been effective in other people's hands to eliminate the problem.]

Rob Sirota
Huntingdon Valley,, Pa.