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Re:Strange Ambulia Leaves

>I have lots of ambulia in my tank and love it and it goes nuts... I have to
>trim it nearly once a week to keep it in check.  Anyway when I got it on of
>the stems had strange leaves on it.  The new growth up the top is the normal
>ambulia growth (upside down umbrella, pinate leaves) but under this all
>along the stem is weird leaves.. its like 1/2 upside down umbrellas have
>formed and have not gone pinate.. theya re still like big chunky leaves with
>a few 'fingers'.. its really strange.. anyone else ever seen this ?
     Probably emersed growth vs. submerged growth.   Ambulia  can be very 
different when allowed to grow emersed.  Try growing a stem emersed and 
you'll see the
